Ingrown Hair: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

what does an ingrown hair look like

Often, a small pinpoint (often dark) part of the underlying hair may be seen under the skin bump. In severe cases, multiple small red or pink bumps at hair follicles may be seen on any skin area that normally grows hair. If you continue having infected ingrown hairs in the same area, such as your face, you might consider other methods of hair removal, such as laser treatment.

Use Electric Clippers or Hair Removal Cream

Or, you can take preventative steps like shaving differently or using a razor with just one blade. Ingrown hair cysts often show up where your hair is coarse or curly, like in the pubic region. You might be more likely to get ingrown hair cysts if you have coarse or curly hair. The cysts can also form where dead skin cells are blocking hair follicles. If ingrown hairs continue to form, see a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying causes.

What complications can happen from ingrown hairs?

Laser hair removal is generally very fast, efficient, and safe. Many people call these bumps razor bumps or razor burn, and their medical name is pseudofolliculitis. An ingrown hair happens when the sharp tip of the hair curls back or grows sideways into the skin of the hair follicle. It is a benign condition, which usually appears as a small tan or sometimes pink bump under the skin.

How should you treat an ingrown hair cyst?

Extrafollicular penetration can occur because shaving produces short hairs that are sharp enough to enter the skin. Transfollicular penetration can occur if you stretch your skin while shaving. Best results may be achieved with combination therapy.

Over time, a bump, usually just one, may get bigger and form a cyst. Likewise, genital warts may disappear on their own in a few days or weeks. Some people experience frequent herpes outbreaks and others may only have a few every year. However, they should not try this if the hair is entirely under the skin or if it is necessary to dig into the skin to remove it.

what does an ingrown hair look like

A doctor may only recommend treatment if the cyst seems infected or is causing issues such as pain. An ingrown pubic hair cyst is usually no cause for concern. A person may choose to have a cyst drained, or a doctor may make a small incision to free the trapped hair. When new hair forms, if the hair follicle is closed up, hair can't grow out of the follicle and through the skin.

Ingrown Hair Cysts vs. Cystic Acne

The core goal of treatment for any of these cysts is to reduce their occurrence by keeping your skin exfoliated and moisturized. Body washes and lotions made with gentle glycolic acid will help. When it comes to razor bumps, the cause is usually improper hair removal techniques. The hair grows from the bottom of your pore and is kept bathed in sebum secreted by the pore.

How to Keep an Ingrown Hair Cyst From Coming Back

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Infections can occur if a person does not treat the hair or if they have a weakened immune system. Most ingrown hairs will go away on their own without treatment after a few days; though, severe cases may take several weeks. To remove an ingrown hair, gently exfoliate your skin.

Ingrown hairs can affect anyone, but they’re easy to treat and prevent with the right hair removal practices. Waxing or shaving your butt may increase the risk of getting an ingrown hair in that area. But, even if you don’t remove the hair, the pressure from underwear or other clothing can push it down, causing an ingrown hair. This is why ingrown hairs can also be common around the pubic area or upper thighs. If you have chronic ingrown hair problems, it might be best to avoid shaving altogether.

what does an ingrown hair look like

They may also recommend more permanent hair removal methods, such as laser hair removal, to help reduce your risk of ingrown hairs and bumps. To spot ingrown hairs, look for telltale red bumps, pustules, or visible hairs beneath the surface of your skin in these areas. If you think you have an ingrown hair, gently exfoliate the area daily to try to release it. Your doctor can also prescribe treatments to help with stubborn ingrown hairs. An ingrown hair can become infected and treatment may require topical or even oral antibiotics.

Although no cure exists, it is possible to decrease the occurrence of ingrown hairs. The easiest way to do this is through proper hair and skin hygiene. It’s not a good idea to pop or squeeze an ingrown hair cyst, as you can introduce bacteria that can cause an infection.

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If your symptoms don’t improve, your healthcare provider may need to prescribe medications that decrease inflammation and improve infections. It will not have a visible head and may be red, white, or yellow. If you have an ingrown hair that becomes infected, you’ll need to treat the infection as well as the ingrown hair itself. Infected ingrown hairs can become painful, hard, and filled with pus. The surrounding area may also become red and warm to the touch. Sometimes, the hair is blocked or grows in an unusual direction.

If shaving worsens your condition, you might want to try a chemical hair removal product (depilatory), such as Nair, Magic, others. People with high levels of certain sex hormones can have more hair than usual. This can make you more likely to get ingrown hairs, especially after shaving.


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